Regenerative Agriculture
It is time for a new kind of agriculture which does not only conserve but actually increase resources by increasing the vitality of the earth to such an extent that not only existing areas but also previously unusable soils become fertile. A revitalized earth would be able to produce such large quantities of biomass that, in addition to sufficient high-quality food, compostable materials could also be produced which, after use, could simply be returned to the cycle of nature and thus increase the vitality of the earth.
Seminars & Events
Awareness Work, Healing Work and Networking for a Sustainable Culture
We offer the space for healing and transforming the most diverse life themes, so that a flourishing and sustainable culture can be created responsibly and with foresight.
A culture in which children become inspired adults and the next seven generations can live healthy lives.
In order for things to be changed with a lasting effect, it is necessary to think and to feel differently.
In our seminars and events, the required sustainable ways of thinking and acting are researched, taught and trained.
Puls der Erde e.V
The association Puls der Erde e.V. is dedicated to researching and spreading sustainable lifestyles. The vision of the association is a blossoming, vital planet. As our basis we aim for a developed farmstead at Lenzwald with up to 30 hectares of land and livestock and a comprehensive seminar center with a research and training academy for regenerative and solidary agriculture. A small engaged resident core community is connected with a growing larger community whose work, interconnectedness, and innovation power contributes to a societal impact.

Our Vision
The vision of Puls der Erde e.V. is a blossoming, vital planet. As our basis we aim for a developed farmstead at Lenzwald with up to 30 hectares of land and livestock and a comprehensive seminar center with a research and training academy for regenerative and solidary agriculture. A small engaged resident core community is connected with a growing larger community, whose work, interconnectedness, and innovation power contributes to a societal impact. This way a crucial contribution is made to the autonomy of the region, as a starting point for other regions and as an inspiration center for a growing awareness of deep sustainability on all levels.
Your Event with us at Lenzwald
The Seminar & Guesthouse at Lenzwald can be rented for talks, events, seminars, trainings, and much more. More information about the rooms and prices can be found here: Lenzwald Seminar & Guest House – info’s with pictures. Please use the contact form to make personal inquiries or contact Sonia Willaredt directly at +49 8630 9863358 or +49 177 6450103.